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DuraForce® WG Woven Geotextile

DuraForce® woven geotextile is suited to applications requiring both separation and reinforcement.

DuraForce WG is a polypropylene (PP) range of products used in unpaved roading applications, where the primary function is separation with a secondary benefit of reinforcement.

Typically, the strength range of these products is between 14 kN/m to 150 kN/m.

DuraForce WG geotextiles are predominantly used in the construction of access tracks and unsealed roads providing access to and around project sites.

Within the forestry industry, DuraForce WG geotextiles are also widely used as they provide a cost-effective way of constructing access roads where there is a high concentration of heavy traffic and extremely poor subgrades.



Frequently Asked Questions

DuraForce AS geotextiles are needle punched and nonwoven, whereas DuraForce WG geotextiles are woven.

The DuraForce WG range is polypropylene and designed for situations such as pavement reinforcement, where long-term creep of the polymer is not relevant. Therefore, they are used for separation and reinforcement in haul roads and site access tracks, etc.

Geoter geotextiles are high tenacity PET and are designed for basal reinforcement applications, such as under embankments, where the reinforcement is considered as a tensioned membrane under an imposed soil load. Long-term creep of the polymer is a critical consideration of the design.

Slit film woven geotextiles are not recommended for drainage/filtration applications, as the woven fibres can part and allow soil fines through. DuraForce AS nonwoven geotextiles are preferred for these applications.

DuraForce WG geotextiles are tested for UV resistance, and achieve greater than 90% strength retained after 500 hours of testing. In reality this means the product is UV stable for exposure periods typical for construction, but it is not designed to be exposed for years.

We offer DuraForce WG30 as an alternative to the “Mudstop” brand of woven geotextiles.

The minimum recommended overlap is 300mm. For soft subgrades a greater overlap may be required, please consult the design engineer.

Benefits & Features





76251 WG30 5.3m x 100m (530m2)
13148 WG60 5.2m x 100m (520m2)
76252 WG80 5.2m x 100m (520m2)
76249 WG100 5.2m x 100m (520m2)

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