DuraMesh™ Reinforced Soil System
The DuraMesh™ system is a proven, engineered, reinforced soil system allowing MSE walls and slopes to be constructed up to 90° with different visual appearances, from vegetated to rock faced.
The DuraMesh system consists of the DuraMesh facing panels providing the face support, StrataGrid® PET reinforcement geogrid, and DuraFlow or DuraFlowQ drainage composites providing drainage at the back of the MSE mass.
The facing can be vegetated, stone face for a gabion type appearance or a geotextile wrap when there is a concrete facing panel being placed in front of the MSE wall. Cirtex® offers typical plans and methodologies and can customise this to suit your project.
Cirtex can provide design support using the latest slope reinforcement and MSEW programs.

DuraMesh is available in a number of different face angles ranging from 60 to 90 degrees available to meet the requirements of the project. Facing panels are available in a range of materials and coatings: black steel, galvanised steel, galfan + PVC coated steel and stainless steel to meet requirements of the different design service life. Each DuraMesh reinforced soil system component is individually selected and engineered to work together to provide a structurally sound long term solution.
StrataGrid® is a Registered Trademark of Glen Raven, Inc. Registered in the United States.
- Product Information
Frequently Asked Questions
DuraMesh is a reinforced soil system which consists of steel DuraMesh facing panels which provide face support, StrataGrid soil reinforcement geogrid and DuraFlow or DuraFlow Q drainage composites providing drainage at the back of the reinforced soil mass.
The DuraMesh system facing can be vegetated, stone faced for a gabion type appearance or a geotextile wrap can be used when concrete facing panels are placed in front of the MSE wall.
DuraMesh panels available for face angles of 70 and 90 degrees, with other angles available by special order. Note that the panels can be stepped back at each lift, if shallower slope angles are needed.
DuraMesh facing panels are manufactured from steel mesh and are available in a range of steel materials and coatings such as black steel, galvanised, galfan + PVC coated and stainless to meet varying design service life requirements.
The structural reinforcement element is the StrataGrid which has an expected lifespan of 100+ years in most soil environments. The DuraMesh panels primarily provide support to the facing during construction, but are available in a range of steel materials and coatings to meet varying design service life requirements.
Refer to the DuraMesh installation guide most relevant to your application, either 70° or 90° facing.
Benefits & Features
- Naturally vegetated or stone faced
- Proven and reliable technology
- Design and construction support
- Fast construction
DuraMesh Typical Cross Section 70°
This 3D diagram shows an overview of the installation layers of a standard grass faced 70° DuraMesh wall. This is not an installation guide and only acts as a concept.