Oliver Ave Lismore Extension – MagnumStone™
Project Details
Project Information
The Lismore Employment Lands Project connects the two sections of Oliver Ave where it crosses over Tucki Tucki Creek. The purpose is to improve heavy vehicle access and open more industrial land by extending and widening the road, adding a bridge over the creek and a roundabout to ease traffic flow into the industrial area.
As the proposed road cut through undulating land, two significant retaining walls were required. Firstly, a large, curved wall was required to retain the upper side of the road leading onto the bridge. Secondly, a straight wall at the top of Oliver Road was required to retain the road as it was near the boundary and a batter was not an option. Being a road in an industrial area, there was the requirement for services to be run close to the top of the second wall.
MagnumStone provided a robust design solution for both walls, as its variable construction methods meant all the design parameters could be met. Each wall was designed primarily as Mechanically Stabilised Earth structures using strips of StrataGrid Reinforcement geogrid, with the curved wall retained to a max height of 8.5m. To allow for the services along the top of the second wall, the top four layers of MagnumStone were constructed as a gravity wall design using extenders. This provided a 2.4m deep clear zone so services could be installed without interfering with the reinforcing strips of StrataGrid.
Due to various programme restraints, speed of construction was a key issue in installing the two MagnumStone walls. With MagnumStone, Cirtex were able to provide design, supply, certification of the wall and installation support to ensure the walls were constructed in time and within the allowed budget.
With the road now open, new opportunities will arise for residents and business owners, with MagnumStone offering the Lismore City Council a safe, robust wall design in its new road infrastructure that will help develop the economy within the region.
The MagnumStone system provided the following benefits to the project:
- Different design methods can be used without affecting the aesthetic
- Quick and easy to construct
- Versatile designs allow for services to be installed at the top of the wall