We’re going to examine why Raft Foundations are a cost-effective option when building a solid footing, depending on the soil...
Technical Blog
Microplastics come from a wide range of products. We use polymer-based products in our daily life all the time. This...
Potholes have been a hot topic in the news recently, highlighted by the increased traffic over the holiday period, and...
An issue that is often encountered in getting geosynthetics more widely accepted in the industry is to use them not...
Cirtex were provided the opportunity to attend the GEOANZ Conference in Brisbane, Australia organised by the Australasian Chapter of the...
When we think of a retaining wall, we often default to the most common type we see around, or some...
Cirtex is pleased to announce the successful accreditation of the GeoCert laboratory specialising in materials testing for geosynthetic materials and...
When discussing SRWs, the resistance to overturning comes from the retaining wall setback and its self-weight, which many times are...
Retaining walls are one of the most common landscape features in New Zealand for commercial and residential developments, and also...